Now the routers have a bigger range, better signal strength, and multiple antennas pointed in multiple directions so as to kill the blind spots. Routers used to come with a single antenna having a small signal range. Hardware technology: Both the endpoints that use the WiFi and the WiFi router have become advanced. The protocol stack has developed over time from being highly insecure to the highest level of security possible. WiFi protocols: We are well aware that the use of WEP has depreciated due to security weaknesses. Three components related to WiFi have also gone to the next level along with all other advancements: Homes have now become more digitally connected with heavy usage of smart TVs, smart Ac's, smartphones, laptops, smart alarms, etc. Every house has almost five to six devices that require the internet to work efficiently. With the influx of IoT in our day to day life, the use of WiFi has increased many folds. There was a time when people relied on broadband and mobile data packs for connecting to the internet.