Over 60 weapons, food and objects to play with. The Division 2 Biology Lab key unlocks the room of the same name.Its not crucial for completing the mission, but the Gatehouse Facility Biology Lab houses some potentially valuable loot.With that in mind, welcome to our Division 2 Gatehouse Facility Biology Lab Secret Room Key Location guide. Stuck in this underground facility, you will gradually uncover the truth about the zombie outbreak as you progress in your research, discover new reactions, upgrade your research techniques, find new items to experiment with, complete achievements and find tapes and notes from the Alpha team, the previous scientific team who occupied this base. Long-range and short-range weapons are used separately. Experiment with them, brutalize them, feed them, give them objects to play with and discover over 250 unique reactions as you explore the full spectrum of the zombie brain. Lab2 Under Ground is a platform action game where you collect weapons and items while exploring. Tyler, a scientist trying to figure out what makes these undead creatures tick. Survive the zombie apocalypse as Allen C.