Pull down the Input menu and select Show Emoji & Symbols.⌥ Opt+ - (en dash) or ⌥ Opt+ ⇧ Shift+ - (em dash).Mac įor Mac (or iOS with an external keyboard) use: To make a dash using the Unicode numbers 2013 (en dash), 2014 (em dash) or 2212 (minus sign), see Unicode input § Hexadecimal input. For an en dash, type or -.įind an en dash (–), an em dash (-), or a minus sign (−) already in some text-in this sentence, for example-and paste it where a new one is wanted.To insert a minus sign (−), click on the − between the ± and the ×.To insert an em dash (-), click on the second character (the longer dash).To insert an en dash (–), click on the first character (the shorter dash).Click where you want the character to be inserted, select 'Insert' from the pull-down menu, and then: To insert a dash or minus sign, use the toolbar below the edit box. Methods that work on any platform The CharInsert toolbar